Annual General Meeting


Wed 01 Sep 2021 19:30 — 21:30

Event information

This event has passed.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Wednesday 1st September 2021 – 7.30pm

                                                (Please Note: Change of Date)

In accordance with Rule 20[a]  of the Brighton Bayside Life Activities Club Inc., notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Brighton Bayside Life Activities Club Inc. will be held at the Hampton Senior Citizens’ Hall, 14 Service Street Hampton.


Confirmation of Minutes of Last AGM 

Confirmation of Minutes of last General Meeting

Adoption of the Annual Report

Adoption of the Financial Statements

Election of Office Bearers

Appointment of Official Reviewer

Acknowledgement of Service

By order of the Committee:

Penny Trumble, Honorary Secretary


At the AGM, a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and up to eight members of the Committee may be elected.

Formal Club Rules govern the elections particularly the election of Office Bearers.

Nominations are required to be in writing on a standard nomination form.

Nominations must be signed by two Club members and require the written consent of the candidate. Nomination forms are available from the Secretary.

Completed forms must be returned to The Secretary by Wednesday 18th August

Enquiries to Penny Trumble   0438 100 807


Any Motions or Special Resolutions to be put before the Meeting must be lodged with the Secretary no later than Wednesday 18th August.

Penny Trumble

